Accident Statistics

There was no available data from the client during the audit, however we have managed to source some record from the nearest police station at Mid-Illovo. Most of the information from the police station does not have details which can give a clear picture on the cause of accidents and related injuries. The available information that we could access was for the current year from February 2017 to August 2017.

From the available data only seven accidents were reported and recorded out of the seven accidents one involved a pedestrian. Most of these accidents occur during night time of the other six crashes, only one was recorded with slight injuries. These crashes occur on two section of the investigated route around km 26.5 where there is a shop adjacent to the road and at km 34 where the road is winding on a downgrade.

The accident that involved the pedestrian, according to the records, happened at Km 26.5 and resulted in one fatality.