Project Background
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Road Safety on provincial roads. As part of the road safety programme the department has identified road P15-1 in the Kranskop area as having high safety risks based on accident information received.
Road P15-1 is a two lane single carriageway route that runs to the western boundary of the Nkandla Local Municipality, from the town of Kranskop. The route takes you from the heights of Ntunjambili down to Middle Drift in the Tugela valley and then up to Eshowe.
The section under consideration is from the intersection of D1638 and D1637 and ends at the one way bridge over the Tugela River to the east which is approximately 11 kilometres in length (from Km 9 – Km 22) over the total length of 23.2 kilometres that is of the P15-1 route.
This part of the road lies westwards of Middle drift, specifically between the Tugela River Bridge and the top of the road leading to the kop of Kranskop. Much of this road undulates uphill and does not pass any archaeological sites.